Saturday, June 30, 2018

Η προ-θλίψη

Rapture before the test is the doctrine of the devil gives Christians false hope because the BIG MORE are those who are not ready for the misery and persecution they will face, so they will give Satan and receive the SIGNAL to save their FLESH.

Sunday, June 24, 2018

UFO phenomena=There is demonic and human manufacturer

When Pr. Seraphim wrote in the mid-1970s about the dangers of the "cult" cults, there were other observers of "worship" (although they did not sound as much as 1979 when "worship terrorism" hit America after his massacre Jonestown). Without the patristic principles of spiritual life, however, these observers could not capture the underlying unity behind the UFO phenomena, eastern religions, and "charismatic revival" - apparently using the meduems techniques to come into contact with the corpses of spirits under different disguises. Many recent UFO studies collect all these facts and conclude that UFO phenomena are merely demonic origins. * It is difficult to come to a different conclusion Orthodox Christian researcher. Some or many of the experiences may be the result of fraud or illusions. but it's just impossible to remove one of the thousands of UFO reports this way. A large number of modern media and their spiritual phenomena are also misleading. but the mentality of mentism, when it is genuine, undoubtedly produces truly "paranormal" phenomena under the action of the demons. UFO phenomena, which have the same source, are no less true.
The future world and humanity are considered to be science fiction in terms of the "projections" of current scientific discoveries. in reality, however, these "projections" are notably consistent with the everyday objective world of occult and clearly demonic experience throughout the centuries. Among the characteristics of the "sophisticated" plasma of the future are: communication with mental telepathy, the ability to fly, apply and seduce, change the appearance of things or create fantastic scenes and creatures with "clear thinking" travel speeds, technology, occupying the bodies of the earth. and develop a "spiritual" philosophy that is "beyond all religions" and promised a situation where "advanced intelligence" will no longer depend on the subject. All these are given practices and claims of wizards and demons
Let us keep God from the apostasy and from the advent of the Antichrist, whose preliminary signs multiply day by day. We can preserve ourselves from the great sorrow that even the elect will not be able to endure without the grace of Him who will cut down these days. And I want to protect us by keeping us in the "little flock", "the rest according to the election of grace," so that Abraham loves to rejoice in the Light of His Face, the Embassy of Our Lady and never - Virgo Mary, all the inhabitants of the sky cluster of witnesses, prophets, hierarchs, evangelists and confessors who have been certified to death, who have poured out their blood for Christ, whom we obtained with the gospel of Jesus Christ in the waters of Baptism. We are their sons - weak, sinful and unworthy. but I will not stretch our hands to a paradoxical god! Amen.

Friday, June 22, 2018

After death=The reality=Demonic beings will seek control of our souls after our death

Demonic beings will seek control of our souls=ESPECIALLY FOR Christians-The Heavenly Kingdom and Hell will come to be, after His Second Coming, a time when man will acquire bodily sensations; For man, once again body and soul will become. They will be able to feel the gifts of paradise and sadness of hell, of course. The only way a Christian, to pass the demons after he is dead, is to confess his sins to the priest, that is the only way. There is no reincarnation, That's the devil's tricks, to distract you from TRUTH. Now there is no hell or paradise, there is an intermediate phase for the souls waiting for Jesus' second coming. This issue here is not near death experience, but when someone is really Dead. Father Seraphim Rose mentions=

The existence of light or what people see close to the experience of death should not be seen as a fact of life after. The devil wants to see you distract, nothing is certain, we have cases of people who were in hell and after intense prayer from holy people, people managed to escape from hell once again to say, final settlement The second coming of Jesus
On the third after death the soul passes through the legions of evil spirits that obstruct its path and accuse it of various sins, to which they themselves had tempted it. According to various revelations there are twenty such obstacles, the so-called toll-houses, at each of which one or another form of sin is tested.-PLEASE PANAGIA-,VIRGIN Mary at the time of my death rescue from the hands of the demons, and the decision , And the class, and the terrible test, and the bitter toll houses and the wild prince, and the eternal condemnation, amen, please help-When my soul will be to be released from the bond with the flesh, it intercedes for me , Supreme Virgin Mary Mother of God
Many sins can be eliminated by good deeds - if you forget to confess. Satan is using key positions for deception, priests, politicians and all sorts of deceived personalities to do the same for you
Many sins can be eliminated with good deeds - if you forget to confess. Satan uses key places to cheat, priests, politicians and all kinds of deceived celebrities to do the same for you

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Angelica Zamrbano Testimonies=Heretic-And False

Christ warns us of the end of the season, of the signs. There is no real thing = God will ever speak, as he does for the mother of God, who is praying all the time for humanity not to be lost, what bothers the evil spirit Antichrist nowadays, knowing that the last time for His antichrist and devils are close, he will do everything in his power to deceive man from many manifestations, with the goal of the Virgin and God's Saints. , and it is possible that Angelica saw something but I also believe that what Angelica saw was not Jesus ... Angelica must pray for discrimination because Jesus will not wear gold sandals as he said and he would not have written in all in a golden belt "King of kings and Lord gentlemen." ... His presence alone would be enough to know he was the king ... and also will not go around the hell pointing finger to the people saying "you know what you did" ... When the end comes God is not his that we will point with the finger, he will be the devil, so that with all sincerity I think Angelica really be fooled by the devil himself, trying to direct it in the wrong way because he has been known to appear as Jesus in the past dressed more like a land king with gold and crowns etc, then a savior who lived on earth with humiliation and love, did not suddenly change when he ascended to heaven ... died for our sins, we Grieve of the Lost Souls in hell, go Not around telling them is too late What you know he did it. THE SIGURA HOPE DOES NOT FALL OUT, EVERYTHING WE WANT FOR A VISION, AN EXTREME FACTOR AS WELL AS THAT. AND THE COVENANT WAYS THAT IT'S REFERRED TO THE PENTICCOCIANS, BE SURE THAT THEY WERE NOT LIVED THAN EVERY TRUE TRUTH .. EVEN UNIVERSAL. SURE MANY WONDERS IN THE ORTHODOX CHURCH IN OUR TIME NEEDED enlightenment AND DISCRIMINATION (The ANOMOS THERE IS MUCH MORE CAREFUL AND METHODS AND USES OTHER THINGS BUT SAYS .. AND THERE BUT LEAVE THE POSITION IN THE MIKROLEPTOMEREIS WHO USUALLY GET unnoticed. NOT THIS BUT This topic) First ANY ORDODOXOS SAINT HAD WHEN APPROPRIATE EXPERIENCE DEFINITELY NOT CHASKOGELAEI (AS THE gIRL) WHEN MENTIONED IN THIS EXPERIENCE IS .. SYNTETRIMMENOS feels CHARMOLYPI .. The CHARMOLYPI IS COMPLETELY UNKNOWN HN YMATIKI CONDITION AND PROTESTANTES KATHOLIKOUS .. NOT DISCUSSED THE SPIRIT OF THAT PRESENTED AS JESUS ​​SAID The PROBABLY LIKE JEHOVAH (ANOTHER STORY HERE, ONE PAGANISTIS "GOD" worshiped BEFORE THE OLD TESTAMENT BY JEWS) NOWHERE ON THE SELF (WHO PRESENTED ON GIRL ) DO NOT WELCOME THE SAINT TRIADA .. WHEN DO NOT DO THAT DIALOGUE .. !!! IN WHAT CHURCH THEY WERE GREAT, IN PROTESTANT? ... NATURALLY WILL WANT AND LEAVE AND NOT LOOK FOR THE TRUTH, THE TRUE CHRIST AS PROMOTTED BY ORTHODOXY .. THIS IS PRECIOUSLY THE PROFIT OF THE DIVOLVE PREPARED FOR THE RUNNING OF THE ANTICHRIST. WHERE IS IT TO WILL They all fight because all these wicked men are going to Christ. This is happening and is presented as a christ. All these for the reward, the rewarding of the baptism is its own, and it is also in the middle of the Bosphorus .. It is the puddle. AND THE SAME FACE THAT THE JESUS ​​OF THE VISION THE COFFEE IS AUTHORIZING PANAGIA AND HIS SAINT ASKING THE WORLD TO BELIEVE THESE WHO WILL BE RELEASED THROUGH THE COVER. IS NOT A PARAGUINE OF THIS? SHOULD YOU EXPRESSE THEN THAT OF THE TRUE CHRIST? SHOULD YOU LIKE THE PARADISE DRAWING .. WAITING TABLES? IN THE EVENT THAT ON (THE DAIMON) IS VERY ANTICTITUDE (DEMONSTRATING PAPA IN THE COLLABORATION). IN THE UNIVERSE SUCKS THAT IT IS IN THE SHOW AND THAT IS ... THE MOST LOVE CHILD ... OF THE PANAGIA. ! IN NO EVENT SHOULD NOT REFER TO ORTHODOXY .. THE ONLY TRUTH. OUR CHRIST WAS WARNING FOR "POINTS AND WALLS" BEFORE THE AGE OF THE ANTICHRIST. ALL THOSE SPIRITUAL BROADBANDS SIMPLY PREPARE THE CHRISTIANS FOR THE SPIRIT CHRIST.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018


Μεταξύ της τρέχουσας γενιάς των πολύ δημοφιλών ανατολικών «σοφών», των ινδικών γκουρού, των θιβετιανών λαμάδων, των ιαπωνικών δασκάλων του Zen κλπ. ... Η ουσία και ο σκοπός όλων αυτών των «πνευματικών» διχτυών και παγίδων είναι πάντα η ίδια: ο άνθρωπος από το να γνωρίζει τον αληθινό Θεό, να μετανοήσει, να ηρεμήσει και να κατευνάσει τη συνείδηση χωρίς εξομολόγηση αμαρτιών, αποκρύπτοντας την πραγματική οδυνηρή θέση της ψυχής, δημιουργώντας την ψευδαίσθηση μιας «πνευματικής» και σωματικής υγείας ... Όλες αυτές οι διδασκαλίες είναι πνευματική αναισθησία ... Οι ανατολικές θρησκείες εμπνέουν τον άρρωστο άνθρωπο να είναι υγιής, η αφύπνιση της πίστης στην τελειότητα και τη θεότητα, τρέφει υπερηφάνεια, με τη δράση των κακών πνευμάτων παρουσιάζει γενναιόδωρα την πιο έξοχη και ευχάριστη «πνευματική άνεση» το «όραμά» του, «εμπειρίες,« ειρήνη »,« ειρήνη »και« άπειρο ».

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Read here

The pope's kissing pope was published in the 8th century. It was a pagan custom to kiss the legs of the emperors. The Word of God forbids such practices. (Read Acts 10: 25-26; Revelation 19:10; 22: 9). In the year 1870 after Christ, Pope Pius IX proclaimed the doctrine of papal infallibility. This is blasphemy and the indication of apostasy and Antichrist is provided by Apostle Paul. (Read 2 Thessalonians 2: 2-12; Revelation 17: 1-9; 13: 5-8, 18). Many scholars of the Bible see the number of the beast (Revelation 13:18), 666 in the Latin letters of the pope's title: ". VICARIVS FILI DEI "As for the entity that appeared to visionaries in Medjugorje and claimed to be a protector and mediator between men and God, and called for Feasts to be held in honor of her and the daily royal chanting of the Rosary, it could never have been Mary the humble and blessed servant of God who gave birth to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 11:14 warns us that evil spirits may appear as good-natured beings. All the true Christians will remain faithful to religion of Christ as taught in the Bible, and to take seriously the warning of Paul the Apostle, who said: "But if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than we have preached, let us it is anathema. "(Galatians 1: 8) .14 warns us that evil spirits may appear as good-natured beings. All true Christians will remain faithful to the religion of Christ as taught in the Bible and take seriously the warning Apostle Paul, c Who said: "But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than what we have declared unto you, let him be anathema. "(Galatians 1: 8) .14 warns us that evil spirits may appear as good-natured beings. All true Christians will remain faithful to the religion of Christ as taught in the Bible and take seriously the warning of Apostle Paul, who said: "But if we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel to you than we have preached, let it be anathema. "(Galatians 1: 8).

THE DEVIL irritated.....because

Orthodoxy begins to attack ... because it is in the scriptures ... it is actually growing, but others have to attack because of the fact that they fall ... God bless all my orthodox brothers and sisters ... read the Orthodox Bible Study Guide .. ALL ANSWERS ARE  WITHIN ORTHODOXY! Amen
THE DEVIL irritated= BECAUSE more and more people nowadays are converting to orthodoxy,the devil knows better,Thats why started to attack in different ways.check in Youtube channel,and you will Realise the hate coming from devil,using all kink of attack on orthodoxy
Do not make the mistake
The devil has built a huge prophet on earth to speak in the name of Christ, to confuse and pull out of the Orthodox Church. and remove us from the weapons that ORTHODOXY can offer

The Holy Spirit will not work outside the Orthodox Church.

You can say whatever you want, but the day you die and you will be in front of the Lord's Throne, than you will learn about the Truth and very late. READ ORTHODOX BOOKS, SEARCH THE TRUTH AND WILL SEE TO YOU


One thing the Laveyithans use to attract members who may feel a bit uncomfortable with the word Satanist is to say that they are not Satanists at all and I do not even believe in Satan. The so-called atheistic satanism called "the church of Satan". We must remember that demons and Satan speak in riddles and say the opposite of truth, even speaking backwards as playing backwards and listening to what is really the message of the daemons. Their holy hour is the third day the opposite of Christ's death that was 3pm as an insult to Jesus. They also perform rituals by telling the Lords' prayers to the rear. Thus, the BS not to believe in Satan is exactly the opposite of what they actually do, and atheist is a total contradiction because 1) they have a church with weekly (or more) services (rituals) 2) They have ungrateful ceremonies to greet Satan and other demons and a doctrine to follow. So it's all a front to hide what they really do that is all that would be selfish, ultramaterialistic and an abomination to Christ / God. Orgasms, pedophilia, blood consumption, black magic, homosexuality are a requirement at least for sexuality and the promotion of all hedonistic desires as a good thing while denying God that they feel it is a great meanie not to allow it , so suddenly he does not exist, but his failed creation by Satan. It does not make sense, but these types of sociopaths are not interested in logistics, in the embrace of their sins in any way, and in materialism. So it's all a front to hide what they really do that is all that would be selfish, ultramaterialistic and an abomination to Christ / God. Orgasms, pedophilia, blood consumption, black magic, homosexuality are a requirement at least for sexuality and the promotion of all hedonistic desires as a good thing by denying God they feel is a great way to prevent it , so suddenly he does not exist, but his failed creation by Satan.

Time to wake up

It is here, taken over the whole world, and control all media and entertainment and telecommunications to you can not find other Human nations and organize it could. ATT, Verizon, T Mobile, Comcast, Dish TV, TV, all TV networks, movie studios all, movies. As Google, Yahoo and all the Internet belongs Jews. All Telecom is owned and controlled by the Jews, so You will never understand the truth. And since banks controle by the Jews and the Jewish Banking Laws allow them Jews to make money by lending money or money is their debt It also has the highest educational system and all banks lend money for higher education and the fact that the debt is money in banking world $ 1 trillion in student loan debt is actually 100 trillion in new money for the Hebrew Jewish banks. But stupid people, you try to find out who is the richest man every time. After a few years, they will possess your soul, with the Coming fucking Antichrist, and will not have no fucking idea what is happening.WITH LOVE ANNINOS


μην ακούτε κάθε  αφελής, αιρετική άποψη για την μετενσάρκωση, για τους ανθρώπους που λένε, μιλούν με τους αγγέλους, που συγχέονται από τους διαβόλους, και όλοι λένε για την μετενσάρκωση. η ψυχή μας δεν μπορεί να πάρει οποιοδήποτε είδος του μετασχηματισμού. Για εκείνους που λένε, εγώ έκανα αναδρομή σε προηγούμενες ζωές, και ήμουν άνδρας ή γυναίκα στην προηγούμενη ζωή μου, λέω αυτό, οι διάβολοι μπορούν στο υποσυνείδητο μυαλό σας, και κάτω από την ύπνωση, και μπορεί να σας δείξει ό, τι επιθυμείτε να σας δείξει για να πείσει, αυτό βλέπετε είναι αλήθεια.ως επί το πλείστον χρήση του διαβόλου αυτό για τα παιδιά, γιατί τα παιδιά είναι αθώα, μπορεί να πείσει και πιο εύκολα υπόλοιπους από σας.οι διάβολοι πηγαίνουν σε παιδιά αυτών όταν κοιμούνται,και να παίξει το παιχνίδι του κινηματογράφου , το μικρό παιδί ξυπνά το πρωί, και να πω στον αφελή ηλίθιο τον πατέρα, ότι πριν στην προηγούμενη ζωή άλλο πατέρα του είχε

δύσκολο να επουλωθούν

Από Δεξιά τα δαιμόνια μας δελεάzouν με πνευματικα πάθη, και ορθολογική λεπτή και δυσδιάκριτη υπερηφάνεια, αλαζονεία, αυτο-γνωμοδότηση, η ματαιοδοξία, την καταδίκη των άλλων, εξέγερση, ανυπακοή, τον εγωισμό, λατρείες, σέκτες, υψηλής σκέψης, βλασφημία, αμφιβολία, δυσπιστία, τα όνειρα, τα οράματα, τη μαγεία, κλπ ..Αφτα τα πάθη,εινε το ίδρυμα απο την υπερηφάνεια του Εωσφόρου ποu έπεσε, και είναι δύσκολο να επουλωθούν

Saturday, June 16, 2018


Satan never praise the trinity
Satan never praise the trinity and all the Heretics True Orthodox Christians is what= He believes in the Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Has accepted and has confessed that Christ is the Son of God, God-Man Jesus, Emmanuel, and that is the Savior and Redeemer of mankind. Is baptized in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit and it is anointed with chrism, symbolizing the gifts and gifts of the Holy Spirit. With his life and deeds he works every day prokoptei spiritually and remain living cell body of the Church. They honor the Virgin Mary and our saints and worships the venerable image of the belief that the veneration goes the original.

"New World Order"

Secret Societies behind the so called "New World Order" makes many signs. They try to make the "normal people" believe that there is no hope for them, that they will gain all power and it will be better to obey them. They work with fear, this is their only real weapon. But if you believe in God, stop staying in fear, because God has limited their range of action by prophecy. The NWO still believe like Nimrod in ancient days that they will achieve the highest position. In their arrogance they are blinded and are not able to see the Truth. Their fall is predicted

One of Satan’s favorite methods of attack is through religion. Satan loves religion and infuses his religion with, devil inspired, man made rules.Beware of Spiritual Deception. The devil is working overtime nowadays, with a mass of heretics = DO NOT AFTER you deceiveThe illuminati/satanic/luciferian symbolism goes much further than simply the 'eye and pyramid', they are deep occult ritualistic performances. The spiritual battle in this day is rife, evident and manifesting before our eyes. Trust in the Father, trust in Christ. The only true escape from this materialistic world in this life and the next.


The Eye One of the oldest and most important symbols of Masonry is the Egyptian hieroglyph of the eye - or the "evil eye". It represents their god Osiri. This "eye of Osiri" is also the symbol of modern Masonry. It dominates the top of most tectonic documents and now dominates the back of the Great Seal of the United States, which is reproduced in every
 US dollar bill.
Το Μάτι Ένα από τα παλαιότερα και πιο σημαντικά σύμβολα του Τοιχοποιίας είναι το αιγυπτιακό ιερογλυφικό του ματιού - ή το "κακό μάτι". Αντιπροσωπεύει τον θεό τους Οσίρη. Αυτό το "μάτι του Οσίρη" είναι επίσης το σύμβολο της σύγχρονης Τοιχοποιίας. Κυριαρχεί στην κορυφή των περισσότερων τεκτονικών εγγράφων και τώρα κυριαρχεί στο πίσω μέρος της Μεγάλης Σφραγίδας των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, το οποίο αναπαράγεται σε κάθε αμερικανικό νομοσχέδιο ενός δολαρίου.

η ομοφυλοφιλία-και τους λόγους

Ομοφυλοφιλία: Στην Ορθοδοξία

Ομοφυλοφιλία: Αν και υπάρχει πολύ πιο ανοικτή συζήτηση για την ομοφυλοφιλία στον εικοστό αιώνα απ 'ό, τι σε προηγούμενες εποχές, υπάρχει σαφής αναφορά σε αυτό στα αρχαία γραπτά. Το συνηθισμένο συνώνυμο, η σοδομία, προέρχεται από την φαινόμενη ομοφυλοφιλική δραστηριότητα μεταξύ των ανθρώπων του Σόδομα (Γένεση 19) και η σοβαρότητα των περιορισμών που ορίζονται στον Κώδικα της Αγιότητας, χωρίς να επιβάλλεται η θανατική ποινή, πρότεινε ότι η ανάγκη πειθαρχίας πρέπει να ήταν μεγάλη, (Λευιτικό 18:22 · 20:13). Η Παλαιά Διαθήκη κατανόησε την κανονική σεξουαλική επαφή ως όχι μόνο ως τρόπο έκφρασης μιας σχέσης αγάπης, αλλά και ως ένας θεϊκά διορισμένος τρόπος δημιουργίας νέας ζωής.

Στην Καινή Διαθήκη ο Άγιος Παύλος καταδικάζει τις αρσενικές πόρνες και τους ομοφυλόφιλους (1 Κορινθίους 6: 9-11). Στο πρώτο κεφάλαιο της επιστολής του στους Ρωμαίους (Ρωμαίους 1: 24-32), το κρίνει επίσης ως αφύσικο. Οι ομοφυλόφιλοι περιλαμβάνονται αλλού ανάμεσα στους ανήθικους ανθρώπους που, όπως λέει ο άγιος Παύλος, αξίζουν κρίση από τον Θεό (Ι Τιμόθεο 1:10). Δεν υπάρχει κανένα παράδειγμα σε ολόκληρη την Καινή Διαθήκη για έγκριση, αποδοχή ή ακόμη και ανοχή στην ομοφυλοφιλία.

Σε όλη τη χριστιανική ιστορία, αυτή η δυσαρέσκεια συνέχισε να ισχύει. Στην πατερική εποχή, η απελευθέρωση από την ομοφυλοφιλία θεωρήθηκε ως σημάδι της ηθικής υπεροχής του χριστιανού στον άσχημο τρόπο ζωής που είχαν αφήσει οι μετασχηματιστές. Η πατερική σκέψη, όπως και οι γραπτές αναφορές, κατευθύνθηκαν στην πρακτική της ομοφυλοφιλίας, όχι στην ίδια την επιθυμία. Η Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία δεν καταδικάζει τον άνθρωπο που κρατά αυτή την τάση υπό έλεγχο και υπουργούς στους ομοφυλόφιλους που επιθυμούν να βρουν απελευθέρωση από αυτήν την κλίση.

η ομοφυλοφιλία

κληρονομήσιμο δεν σημαίνει κληρονομικό.

η γενετική έρευνα που είναι πραγματικά σοβαρή εντοπίζει και εστιάζεται σε χαρακτηριστικά που είναι άμεσα κληρονομικά.

Κληρονομικό χαρακτηριστικό σημαίνει ότι είναι «άμεσα καθορισμένο από τα γονίδια» και δεν μπορεί να επηρεαστεί από το περιβάλλον. Τέτοια είναι σωματικά χαρακτηριστικά όπως το σχήμα των νυχιών ή το χρώμα των ματιών. Αντιθέτως, ελάχιστα χαρακτηριστικά της συμπεριφοράς του ανθρώπου είναι άμεσα κληρονομικά.

Η πλειοψηφία των έγκριτων επιστημόνων τώρα πιστεύουν ότι η ομοφυλοφιλία οφείλεται σε ένα συνδυασμό ψυχολογικών, κοινωνικών και βιολογικών παραγόντων.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Οι αιρετικοί Πεντηκοστιανοί, η εξαπάτηση, του εαυτού τους από τον διάβ

We honor the saints,, The devils believe too much, the impression that that saved you ?, simply saying, that you will believe in Jesus, you are all far from your goal, to inherit paradise.HUMBLE yourself, to interrupt it and we confess your sins, ITS the only way "- We feel the saints, we do not worship, they say, from their reactions we can understand that you are just to laugh. The heretics try to convince, that we are heretics, I do not I blame, just do what your boss tells you to do, for The book of all heretics because it can not be interpreted correctly as an eschatological orientation of the Pentecostal prophecy is directly related to another oppressive psychological manifestation, which is the rapture of the church of Christ before the advent of the Antichrist, according to the claims they are definitely the same with the sermon Church, and here I have to add that there is a large number of Pentecostal groups, arguing exactly the opposite, namely that the rapture will take place after the advent of Antichrist and the Great Tribulation which follow Whoever tells us about Christ or kept in the hands of the Bible are not sure or certain that they believe in Christ as we think is really tragic and terrible are the Bible book of all heretics. All heretics in this report. Because it is difficult for every Christian to immediately realize the mistakes and cacisms of the heretics should be avoided at all costs. Roman Catholics and Protestants have not fully tested the grace of God, so it is no surprise that they can not distinguish the demonic imitation - Orthodox in our hymns talk about sin and ask for the mercy of God, while Western and Western religions willing to "songs" that are impregnated in self-righteousness. = Divisive man after a second admonition and give up "(Paul Paul Titus, C10). You have demonic stupidity, . This man was baptized orthodox and now he is deeply shit because of his pride and the devil did not allow him to clearly see his error, as everyone the rest heretics Well, c old Paisios ... The Pentecostals ... have WIN-SPIRIT / NO SAINT SPIRIT.Antichrist evil spirit  nowadays, knowing that the final time for Antichrist and his devils is close, he is doing everything possible to deceive man, by many manifestations, Aiming Virgin Mary and Saints of God.=ITS TRUE WITHOUT ORTHODOXY LIFE WOULD BE DARK, COLD AND MEANINGLESS !!

People claiming to possess special enlightenment or knowledge of something.


ΤΟ ΜΟΝΟ MASTER είναι ο Ιησούς Χριστός και κανένας άλλος πρέπει να προσκυνείται! Είμαστε ελέγχεται από μυστικές κοινωνίες
κακές πράξεις τους μιλούν δυνατότερα από τις λέξεις
είναι το ίδια τη φύση τους να παραμείνουν κρυμμένα
, ενώ από όπου και αν καταστρέφει Θεών όμορφο κόσμο
μασόνους είναι τραβώντας τις χορδές που
πιστεύουν ότι ο Lucifer είναι ο άγγελος του φωτός,
ολόκληρος ο ευρύς κόσμος θα είναι δικοί τους αν ακολουθήσουν το προβάδισμά του
και δεν θα παρατηρήσουμε τι είναι κρυμμένο στην καθαρή όψη

και ποιος είναι ο αριθμός που κατευθύνεται σε όλη αυτή τη μυστικότητα
που κατευθύνεται προς την απόκρυφη ατζέντα του
ίδιου του Σατανά είναι πίσω από ολόκληρο αυτό το χάος,
αλλά πιστεύω στον Ιησού και δεν θα παραδοθώ

"χρησιμοποιήστε τον πόλεμο για την κακή ατζέντα τους
για να απομακρύνετε κάθε ηγέτη ο οποίος απλά δεν θα υποβάλει
στο χρέος τους με τον έλεγχο και τη διαφθορά
τους, θα συντρίψουν κάθε δύναμη που αντιτάσσεται στην πολιτική τους
και έχουν αγοράσει σχεδόν όλες τις μορφές μέσων ενημέρωσης
για να προωθήσουν την προπαγάνδα για να πλύση εγκεφάλου τις μάζες
και είναι πράγματα χειραγώγησης που τα παιδιά μας μαθαίνουν
όπως είναι εκπαιδευμένοι να συμμορφωθώ στις τάξεις τους

Πιστεύω στον Ιησού τον Βασιλιά των Βασιλέων
με τη φτέρνα Του Θα συντρίψει το κεφάλι των φιδιών
Επιστρέφει για να φέρει την αλήθεια και τη δικαιοσύνη
και αυτή η απόκρυφη ατζέντα μπορεί να πάει στην κόλαση και να παραμείνει νεκρός
Όπως και οι περισσότεροι αποκρυφιστές, ο Άλμπερτ Πάικ είχε "πνευματικό οδηγό" που διανείμει τη "Θεία Σοφία" και φώτιζε πώς να επιτύχει τη Νέα Παγκόσμια Τάξη. Ένας "πνευματικός οδηγός" είναι ένα «όντας» που συναντά κάποιον που έχει δώσει περισσότερα από τον εαυτό του στην πρακτική της απόκρυψης. Ωστόσο, οι άνθρωποι που είναι επαγγελματίες της Νέας Εποχής Θρησκεία δεν το βλέπουν αυτό ως κακό πράγμα. Στην πραγματικότητα, θα υποστήριζαν σθεναρά ότι γεμίζουν με ευτυχία και χαρά αλληλεπιδρώντας με τους "πνευματικούς οδηγούς" τους. Λούσιφερ, ο Φωτός! Παράξενο και μυστήριο όνομα για να δώσετε στο Πνεύμα του Σκότους! Lucifer, ο γιος του πρωινού! Είναι αυτός που φέρει το Φως και με τα λαμπρότητά του απαράδεκτη, περικλείει αδύναμες, αισθησιακές ή εγωιστικές ψυχές; Μην το αμφιβάλλετε! Οι τεκτονίτες από την πρώτη εκκίνηση, οι οποίοι είναι ο πρώτος βαθμός, καλούνται να στρατολογήσουν "το Φως! Μελετήσαμε αυτό το θέμα θα υποθέσουμε ότι αυτό το "Φως" είναι η αποκάλυψη του Θεού της Βίβλου. Αυτή η δήλωση συνεχίζεται για να προσπαθήσει να μας πείσει ότι το Τοιχοποιία είναι χριστιανικό. , Ο Albert Pike λέει ότι ο Lucifer είναι αυτός που φέρει το Φως του Τεκτονισμού. Η αμέσως προηγούμενη πρόταση επιβεβαιώνει όχι μόνο ότι ο Λέσιφερ είναι ο Φωτός, αλλά ότι οι Τεκνοφόνοι προηγούμενων βαθμών έχουν οδηγήσει στο να πιστεύουν ότι το αντίθετο ήταν αληθινό. Μελετήσαμε αυτό το θέμα θα υποθέσουμε ότι αυτό το "Φως" είναι η αποκάλυψη του Θεού της Βίβλου. Αυτή η δήλωση συνεχίζεται για να προσπαθήσει να μας πείσει ότι το Τοιχοποιία είναι χριστιανικό. , Ο Albert Pike λέει ότι ο Lucifer είναι αυτός που φέρει το Φως του Τεκτονισμού. Η αμέσως προηγούμενη πρόταση επιβεβαιώνει όχι μόνο ότι ο Λέσιφερ είναι ο Φωτός, αλλά ότι οι Τεκνοφόνοι προηγούμενων βαθμών έχουν οδηγήσει στο να πιστεύουν ότι το αντίθετο ήταν αληθινό.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Albert Pike-spirit guide
As do most occultists, Albert Pike had a "spirit guide," who dispensed "Divine Wisdom" and enlightened on how to achieve the New World Order. A "spirit guide" is a "being" who meets someone who has given themselves over to the practice of the occult; However, people who are professionals in the New Age Religion do not see this as a bad thing. In fact, they would strongly argue that it is filled with happiness and joy by interacting with "spirit guides" them.
The air sphere-to this world
The air sphere is where the demons doomed to tempt human souls before the turn sent to hell, the final judgment. The demons are of course invisible to the human senses, but the fruits of their actions appear to human misery, chaos and sin around the world. Even though both demons and angels is beyond the perception human sense, still belong to the realm of creation and so "to this world." In addition, these spirits are clear forms and are finite in their movements (any quality of infinity that belongs only to God), so therefore can be said to have "bodies" in a way similar to the way people do, if not those natural. Fr. Seraphim places particular emphasis, citing too many prominent Orthodox Fathers and spiritual writers, to pray for the dead after because your prayers help some souls reach heaven, calling God's mercy with fervor

Saturday, June 9, 2018

where the Bible mentions that when...

where the Bible mentions that when
  The Holy Spirit is filling you then you scream and be hit on the floor? Christ came to earth to build a church. And he built the orthodox church. Orthodoxy is the answer to all religions. Stop searching for false gods and try Orthodoxy. The evil spirit of the Antichrist today, knowing that the last time for Antichrist and his devils is narrow, does what man can possibly deceive, with many manifestations, for the purpose of Virgin and the Saints of God.wake up before its too late for you.there is only one truth,read orthodox books and the truth will be come to you

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Paranormal Entities

Anything that's spiritual or paranormal, it will always be followed by some more spiritual and paranormal entities not well understood by many.and then you will need spiritual detox,and you cannot find it in farmacies or so caled teachers of the unnown spiritual warfare,BUT ONLY IN CHURCH

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Masons

The Masons now believe in their own impersonal God who called M.A.T.S., that Great Architect of the Universe. The galleries will not be a semi cross or image of Christ. The Son and Word of God, your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, these are for one simple secret, much like Pythagoras, Buddha and others. 

The Scottish Masonic doctrine created in 1804 includes 3 initiations and 33 degrees. The third degree is a ceremony around the murderous death of Master Hiram and search for relics. Indeed the Old Testament speaks of a Hiram of Tyre who was invited by King Solomon to help build the Temple in Jerusalem. The only outside but on the murder, recover the relics, etc. is totally imaginary and mythical. 

The Masonry, as it is known today, is not simple charity and philosophical organization, as its advocates claim. It is a yperthriskeia with syncretistic nature. Is that the teachers' evidence of idolatry and mystic Jews and Christians. Masons believe that they are a global fraternity. Brother call each one belonging to them, be it Muslim or Buddhist or whatever, while the non-Masons call it sacrilegious, even if he is Christian. 

The Masonry is a religion and is based mainly on the ancient pagan mysteries. Temple has to call it arcade, where there are various ceremonies: Adoption lykideos (something similar to Christian baptism), marriage, memorial and more. They have degrees officials yielding their ceremonies, dressed in special uniforms, such as the Venerable, the Reverend, the Master, the Grand Master, supervisors. Using different symbols. Somewhere it seems the Bible, but not like we mean we Christians, but as a mere symbol. In the mysterious rituals using human skeleton and to some extent require the myoumeno in Masonry to drink wine in the skull that have made it look like Cup. 

A Mason is not obligated to change his faith. A Christian can still be a Christian and a Muslim be a Muslim, along with the Masonic capacity. 

But the question is born. Allowed Christian to be both a Mason; 

The time that orthodoxy will prevail is close

Let we know that not only are natural laws, but also spiritual.
Therefore the wrath of God can not be addressed by cooperative
sinners (because double rage will obtain), but by repentance and observance of commands
The elder Sophronius of the Holy Mountain (1993) telling the Essex England the
like the Holy Paisius: "The Association of Churches is difficult, if not impossible. those
speak for Churches union do not know the mentality of heterodox
or the level of Orthodoxy.
St. Paisius, the above knowledge was, advises everyone to be more
restrained, because there will be the time that the Lord will present their Marcus
Polite and quickly palms, to gather all
kataskandalismena our brothers, to confess the Orthodox Faith, to
fasten Tradition and give great joy to our Mother.
Essentially the elder prophesy a truly Orthodox Synod. Perhaps the 8th
Ecumenical Council for which prophesied that would become St. Nilus the Myrovlytis:
Afterward he made at the eighth meeting, and she wants to choose good from the
bad, ie Orthodoxy, as the farmer chooses the wheat from the chaff. and
then you make peace a little while people, and again will switch the concurring opinion
them in evil ....
Peace in the world can not come without the peacemaker, living and unadulterated
teaching of Orthodoxy. Spreading however, though continued after the fall of
City to a degree, will be maximized and will officially spread dynamically after the 3rd
World War II, General War like onomazei St. Cosmas of Aetolia.
This will be the period blink of Orthodoxy, for a short time, because
then begin again people drifting into evil.

Μὴ κρίνετε ἵνα μὴ κριθῆτε

 Μὴ κρίνετε ἵνα μὴ κριθῆτε· ἐν ᾧ γὰρ κρίματι κρίνετε κριθήσεσθε, καὶ ἐν ᾧ μέτρῳ μετρεῖτε
μετρηθήσεται ὑμῖν. Μθ ζʹ 12
Οι άνθρωποι δεν κρίνουν τον ζήλο από τα είδη της σοφίας, αλλά από τις
αρρώστιες στην ψυχή, ο οποίος (ζήλος) είναι αποτελέσματα μικρής
νοημοσύνης και πολλής ανοησίας.
Η αρχή της σοφίας του Θεού είναι η επιείκεια και η πραότητα, η οποία
(σοφία) υποφέρει τις ασθένειες των ανθρώπων, και αυτό είναι κατόρθωμα
γενναίας και μεγάλης ψυχής· διότι λέει ο απόστολος Παύλος, εσείς οι
δυνατοί να βαστάζετε τις ασθένειες των αδυνάτων, και να διορθώνετε τον
φταίκτη με πνεύμα πραότητας· από τους καρπούς του πνεύματος
λαμβάνει ο απόστολος την ειρήνη και την υπομονή.
Αγιος Ισαάκ ο Συρος

People caves aliens and our controlled imagination

What about our own imagination? I noticed that we often take these pictures as accurate, as if they were photos. But if we look at how our ability to draw has changed over the time... How do we know that what we see is the same thing they saw, and how do we know we're not seeing something in these pictures just because we portrait it as something that was printed in our minds over the years by media, movies, books, etc?

Πώς μπορούμε να δοκιμάσει τα πνεύματα;

The Bible warns us 1 John 4: 1 "Dear friends, do not believe in any spirit, but try the spirits to see if it is from God, because many false prophets have come into the world.

Very often we forget that we live in a spiritual battle zone. Eph 6:12 "For our struggle we are not against blood and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the forces of this dark world, and against the spiritual powers of evil in the heavens.

The devil will try to deceive you and show you the truth. 2 Corinthians 11: 14-15 "And it is no wonder Satan himself disguises himself as an angel of light. It is no wonder, therefore, if the servants of Satan are transformed into servants of righteousness.

But remember that cheating is just his weapon. This is the father of the false and he has no good intentions on your behalf. John 8:44 "You belong to your father, the devil, and want to fulfill your father's desire." He was a brain from the beginning, he does not hold the truth, because there is no truth in him, because he is the loser and the father of the false.

There is no doubt that the apostle John encourages us to test the spirits. The framework of his warning was false. Jesus warned us against those who, as well! Matt 7: 15-16 "Beware of pseudo-prophets Come to you with sheep's clothing, but from within are wild wolves." If you believe in a non-biblical prophet, please put that prophet to test.

However, the test of spirits is not limited to prophets, but to something spiritual.

How can you try them out? Here are some tests that will guarantee whether these spirits are from God or not.

The first test is given by the apostle John himself in the context of the testing of the spirits.

1. Test 1 John 4: 2-3 2 "This is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that recognizes that Jesus Christ has come with the flesh is from God, but every spirit that does not recognize Jesus it is not from God This is the spirit of the antichrist you have heard is coming even now it is already in the world.

The first test is to make sure the spirit recognizes that Jesus Christ has come with the flesh. These verses are better understood in the light of Gnostics, such as the errors that have existed since the time of John. He had denied that Jesus really came into the flesh. 2 John 7 "Many deceivers, who do not recognize Jesus Christ as coming into the flesh, have come into the world. Every such person is the plan and the antichrist." and by their action in fact denied that Jesus is the Messiah.

Be careful if we know that the devil and his agents recognize the historical incarnation, but they do not confess Jesus as Lord. See how evil spirits had recognized Jesus during his ministry on earth:

Mark 1: 23-24 "Exactly then a man in their synagogue, who had understood from a bad spirit, cried," What do you want with us, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to ruin us? I know who you are, the saint of God! ""


Mark 5: 7-8 "He cried at the height of his voice," What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of the Most High God? I swear to God that I will not tangle! "

As you can see, evil spirits recognize Jesus as the Son of God and recognize the ministry.

The Bible also says: James 2:19 "Think there is a Good God Even the demons believe that - and I shudder!"

The big difference is that the evil shutter when the name of Jesus is mentioned and no one will recognize as Lord and Messiah. Make sure the spirit that is in contact with him recognizes Jesus as Lord and Messiah. No evil spirit we will preach for Jesus is our Lord and be our Messiah. No evil spirit will invite people to accept Jesus in their lives. They take away the name of Jesus!

Every spirit that is sent by God will glorify God and the worship of God. The Angels of God do not receive worship for themselves!

Ref. 19:10 "In this he fell on his feet to worship it, but he said to me," Do not do it! I am a co-worker with you and your brothers holding the testimony of Jesus. Worship God! For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. ""

Jesus gives us the second test.

Test 2: Mat 7: 16-20 "from their wrist will recognize them People take pear from the thorns, or the teasers from the bristles. Likewise, every good tree makes good fruits, but a bad tree brings fruit bad A good tree can not bear bad fruits, and a bad tree can not bear good fruit.

Friday, June 1, 2018

διαβάστε το

διαβάστε το

St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians

To justify the use of the languages, refer above all to St. Paul's Letter to the Corinthians (CHS 12-14). But the Apostle Paul wrote this passage precisely because "tongues" had become a source of disorder in the Corinthian Church; And even when it does not prohibit them, which permanently minimizes their significance. This quote, instead of encouraging any modern revival of "languages", should instead discourage, especially when it is discovered (as Pentecosts themselves admit) that there are other sources speak in languages ​​other than the Holy Spirit! As Orthodox Christians we already know that tongues as a true gift of the Holy Spirit can not appear among those outside the Church of Christ

The doctrine of reincarnation

The doctrine of reincarnation in all different forms, contradicts the teaching of Scripture concerning the nature and purpose of man. This false religion has the objective evidence in favor of and based in fantasy. However, it turns out attracts both promise a kind of immortality of the soul (in primitive and pagan form) and, on the other hand, denies God's judgment and punishment of hell. It frees the sinner from fear and responsibility for inappropriate actions. The logical conclusion of teaching is that even if the person committed many sins in this life to the next reincarnation may improve its position. After an endless cycle of reincarnations each person will eventually reach the same end, like everything else, mixing with the ultimate. The only difference is in the amount of cycles.

Το βιβλίο του Ενώχ

Το βιβλίο του Ενώχ υπήρχε αιώνες πριν από τη γέννηση του Χριστού και όμως θεωρείται από πολλούς ότι είναι περισσότερο χριστιανικός στη θεολογία του από την εβραϊκή. Θεωρήθηκε γραφή από πολλούς πρώτους χριστιανούς. Η παλαιότερη λογοτεχνία των λεγόμενων «Πατέρων της Εκκλησίας» είναι γεμάτη με αναφορές σε αυτό το μυστήριο βιβλίο. Η πρώτη "Επιστολή του Βαρνάβου" του 2ου αιώνα χρησιμοποιεί πολύ το βιβλίο του Ένοχ. Οι Πατέρες της Εκκλησίας του Δεύτερου και του Τρίτου Αιώνα, όπως ο Ιουστίνος Μάρτυρας, ο Ειρηναίος, η Προέλευση και ο Κλήμης της Αλεξάνδρειας, κάνουν χρήση του Βιβλίου του Ενώχ. Ο Τερτυλλιανός (160-230 μ.Χ.) ονόμασε ακόμη και το βιβλίο του Ένοχ "Αγία Γραφή". Η Αιθιοπική Εκκλησία προσέθεσε το βιβλίο του Ένοχ στον επίσημο κανόνα του. Ήταν ευρέως γνωστός και διάβασε τους πρώτους τρεις αιώνες μετά τον Χριστό. Αυτό και πολλά άλλα βιβλία έγιναν αναξιόπιστα μετά το Συμβούλιο της Λαοδικείας. Και κάτω από απαγόρευση των αρχών, στη συνέχεια σταδιακά πέρασε από την κυκλοφορία.

Αυτό εξηγεί την προέλευση των δαίμων, των UFO, των πεσμένων αγγέλων και άλλων μυστηρίων, που είναι ο λόγος για τον οποίο απαγορεύτηκε από τις προηγούμενες γενιές. Τούτου λεχθέντος, αυτό το βιβλίο δεν προοριζόταν για τις προηγούμενες γενιές, αλλά για τη γενιά μας σήμερα.

false prophets and deceivers

 Read the canonical biblical books and don't stray from them because there are 2000 years of confirmation for truth but that's in the Orthodox Church. The Protestant church (which comes from the word "protest") eliminated 10 books because they didn't like what they said.

The Septuagint books are all canon because the Jews created the Septuagint in Greek. At that time, the Jews didn't even understand Hebrew because Alexander the Great conquered the world and the Jews all spoke Greek for so long that they didn't know Hebrew.  When Christianity came around, the Greeks used the Septuagint to prove that Jesus was the Messiah. The Jews didn't like it so they consider the Septuagint inferior and came out with the Masoretic texts, but the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that the Septuagint was more accurate than their Masoretic texts which were written 1200 years after the Septuagint. The pseudepigrapha were all in separate scrolls, so just because they were found in the same location, it doesn't mean that they're part of "official scripture."

The Christian Bible, New Testament, has similar books like the Book of Judas… which was written 200 years after the Resurrection.  They are all called apocrypha but there are two types of apocrypha: the kind that are false and fiction that are not included in the Orthodox Bible. Then there are protestant apocrypha which were eliminated because Protestants didn't like what they said and confirmed orthodoxy, even though they were canon for 1500 years. 2 Maccabees 12:43-45 actually talks about praying for the Dead because the dead cannot pray for themselves. By praying for the dead, you lift them up which is why in the Orthodox Church we have memorials so we can pray to God to forgive the Sin of the reposed so that they may enter the kingdom of heaven


The illuminati/satanic/luciferian symbolism goes much further than simply the 'eye and pyramid', they are deep occult ritualistic performances. The spiritual battle in this day is rife, evident and manifesting before our eyes. Trust in the Father, trust in Christ. The only true escape from this materialistic world in this life and the next.
devil that can intervene in the subconscious mind of someone under hypnosis, and in other cases this is certain
ORTHODOX TRUTH Dont make the mistake We live in the end of time, The devil has build a massive prophets on earth to speak in the name of Christ, to confuse us and to drag us out from the orthodox Church. and to strip us from our weapons which ORTHODOXY CAN PROVIDE TO US . The Holy Spirit will not operate outside the orthodox Church. You can say what ever you want but the day You die and you stand before the Throne of our Lord than you will find out about the Truth and than its too late. READ ORTHODOX BOOKS,SEEK THE TRUTH,AND WILL BE REVEAL TO YOU
Stay away from ordinary dairy and meats (unless organic products, herbs fed, no antibiotics, no growth hormones). 98% of all grocery stores have tons of chemicals you would not want to know yet! That means sodas, juices, all the candies, crackers ... ALL things. Look for all your grocery stores and find those that bring lots of organic ... IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO REMOVE BEFORE YOU
we need to be holy-humble,and test every spirit,wherever,not to be deceived-the devil never praise the holy trinity
CHRIST WARNS FOR SIGNS AND WONDERS ALL THOSE FALSE PROPHETS PREPARE THE CHRISTIANS FOR THE FALSE CHRIST.The Satan nowadays is aiming virgin Mary and the Saints,His purpose is to distract you from the truth


Protestantism began as a protest against the Papal Cacodes, and became a religion. It broke into thousands of sects contradictory to each other, and spread across the earth in one form or another.
η ορθοδοξία
Η ορθοδοξία δεν είναι θρησκεία, η ορθοδοξία είναι θρησκεία θεραπείας, η ορθοδοξία είναι η αλήθεια

False prophets
When the Antichrist comes, that is, the Beast, he will seek for all men to worship him, including the churches and different denominational groups. The stage is now being set. False prophets
One of Satan’s favorite methods of attack is through religion. Satan loves religion and infuses his religion with, devil inspired, man made rules.
Ἡ Ἁγία Γραφή μᾶς προειδοποιεῖ, ὅτι ὁ σατανᾶς «μετασχηματίζεται καί εἰς ἄγγελον φωτός» διά νά πλανήσῃ. Τά περιστατικά εἰς τά ὁποῖα χριστιανοί, ἀκόμη καί μοναχοί, ἔπεσον θύματα ἀπατηλῶν δαιμονικῶν ἐμφανίσεων ἀποτυπώνονται πλήρως εἰς τό ἐκδιδόμενον ὑπό τῆς Ἱ.Μ. Ὁσίου Νικοδήμου «Γεροντικόν περί ὀνείρων καί ὁραμάτων». Γνωρίζομεν ἀκόμη ἐκ τῆς Ἁγίας Γραφῆς, ὅτι καί ἄν «ἄγγελος ἐξ οὐρανοῦ εὐαγγελίζεται ἡμῖν, παρ' ὅ παρελάβομεν»«ἀνάθεμα ἔστω». Διά τοῦτο κάθε εὐαγγελιζομένη ἕνωσις ἡ ὁποία παραβλάπτει τήν σώζουσαν Ἀλήθειαν τῆς Ἐκκλησίας δέν μπορεῖ νά εἶναι ἀποδεκτή, ὡς πρόξενος συγχύσεως καί ἀπωλείας, πολλῷ μᾶλλον ὅταν αὕτη βασίζεται κατά τό πνεῦμα τῆς ἐποχῆς μας, πού ἐπιζητεῖ θεάματα, ὄχι εἰς τά «ἠχεῖα τοῦ Πνεύματος», τούς Ἁγίους Πατέρας, ἀλλά εἰς ὁράματα ἁπλοϊκῶν Χριστιανῶν, οἱ ὁποῖοι ἀνακηρύσσουν τούς ἑαυτούς των Προφήτας. ἀπό τούς Ἁγίους Ἀποστόλους.
The devil can deceive anyone and pretend to be the Lord who wants to dishonor Mary as the mother of God.
Η Εκκλησία όμως που ίδρυσε ο Κύριος Ιησούς Χριστός, και παρέλαβαν οι Απόστολοι, και συνεχίζει να διατηρείται ανόθευτη μέχρι σήμερα μόνο στην Ορθοδοξία, δεν έγινε από ανθρώπινη προσπάθεια όπως αυτές της Δύσης, και δεν μπορούμε επομένως να προσθέσουμε ή να αφαιρέσουμε εμείς με διαλόγους κάτι από Αυτήν.
Pentecostal religion
When one person suffers from a delusion, it is called insanity. When many people suffer from a delusion it is called a Pentecostal religion.

opens the Pandora's box

There are no super-Christians who speak in tongues, but this is the distinguished doctrine of the Five-Dimensional. And after a while I received the feeling that the Holy Spirit actually appears in these churches - not in the Holy Spirit of Scripture - as the Great Encyclopedia of Sin. I did not feel anything in these churches to be honest. Pentecostals seem to have a completely different sense in the Holy Spirit. The problem I see in Pentecost is the persistent belief and because of this is what we are today - all these vile nonsense that is so far from the biblical parameters because they are based on the ideas, feelings, ecstatic speeches and experiences of everyone, which must be examined against the Word of God, and most of which fail in the test. If we do not "try all things", how do we know if it really is from God? This dogmatic sign of speech in tongues opens the Pandora's box where nothing goes. None of them believes in the Bible ... or as it was named by Martin Luther, Sola Scriptura, one of the very foundations of Protestantism.

The Eye

Το Μάτι Ένα από τα παλαιότερα και πιο σημαντικά σύμβολα του Τοιχοποιίας είναι το αιγυπτιακό ιερογλυφικό του ματιού - ή το "κακό μάτι". Αντιπροσωπεύει τον θεό τους Οσίρη. Αυτό το "μάτι του Οσίρη" είναι επίσης το σύμβολο της σύγχρονης Τοιχοποιίας. Κυριαρχεί στην κορυφή των περισσότερων τεκτονικών εγγράφων και τώρα κυριαρχεί στο πίσω μέρος της Μεγάλης Σφραγίδας των Ηνωμένων Πολιτειών, το οποίο αναπαράγεται σε κάθε αμερικανικό νομοσχέδιο ενός δολαρίου.