Tuesday, June 12, 2018


Albert Pike-spirit guide
As do most occultists, Albert Pike had a "spirit guide," who dispensed "Divine Wisdom" and enlightened on how to achieve the New World Order. A "spirit guide" is a "being" who meets someone who has given themselves over to the practice of the occult; However, people who are professionals in the New Age Religion do not see this as a bad thing. In fact, they would strongly argue that it is filled with happiness and joy by interacting with "spirit guides" them.
The air sphere-to this world
The air sphere is where the demons doomed to tempt human souls before the turn sent to hell, the final judgment. The demons are of course invisible to the human senses, but the fruits of their actions appear to human misery, chaos and sin around the world. Even though both demons and angels is beyond the perception human sense, still belong to the realm of creation and so "to this world." In addition, these spirits are clear forms and are finite in their movements (any quality of infinity that belongs only to God), so therefore can be said to have "bodies" in a way similar to the way people do, if not those natural. Fr. Seraphim places particular emphasis, citing too many prominent Orthodox Fathers and spiritual writers, to pray for the dead after because your prayers help some souls reach heaven, calling God's mercy with fervor

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