Thursday, June 14, 2018

Οι αιρετικοί Πεντηκοστιανοί, η εξαπάτηση, του εαυτού τους από τον διάβ

We honor the saints,, The devils believe too much, the impression that that saved you ?, simply saying, that you will believe in Jesus, you are all far from your goal, to inherit paradise.HUMBLE yourself, to interrupt it and we confess your sins, ITS the only way "- We feel the saints, we do not worship, they say, from their reactions we can understand that you are just to laugh. The heretics try to convince, that we are heretics, I do not I blame, just do what your boss tells you to do, for The book of all heretics because it can not be interpreted correctly as an eschatological orientation of the Pentecostal prophecy is directly related to another oppressive psychological manifestation, which is the rapture of the church of Christ before the advent of the Antichrist, according to the claims they are definitely the same with the sermon Church, and here I have to add that there is a large number of Pentecostal groups, arguing exactly the opposite, namely that the rapture will take place after the advent of Antichrist and the Great Tribulation which follow Whoever tells us about Christ or kept in the hands of the Bible are not sure or certain that they believe in Christ as we think is really tragic and terrible are the Bible book of all heretics. All heretics in this report. Because it is difficult for every Christian to immediately realize the mistakes and cacisms of the heretics should be avoided at all costs. Roman Catholics and Protestants have not fully tested the grace of God, so it is no surprise that they can not distinguish the demonic imitation - Orthodox in our hymns talk about sin and ask for the mercy of God, while Western and Western religions willing to "songs" that are impregnated in self-righteousness. = Divisive man after a second admonition and give up "(Paul Paul Titus, C10). You have demonic stupidity, . This man was baptized orthodox and now he is deeply shit because of his pride and the devil did not allow him to clearly see his error, as everyone the rest heretics Well, c old Paisios ... The Pentecostals ... have WIN-SPIRIT / NO SAINT SPIRIT.Antichrist evil spirit  nowadays, knowing that the final time for Antichrist and his devils is close, he is doing everything possible to deceive man, by many manifestations, Aiming Virgin Mary and Saints of God.=ITS TRUE WITHOUT ORTHODOXY LIFE WOULD BE DARK, COLD AND MEANINGLESS !!

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